Saturday, 20 August 2022

The Best of CafeLit 11 Writers: Yvonne Lang


How did you come to write for CafeLit?
A friend in my writing group shared the news that she had managed to get a story published on the CafeLit website. I of course went on to read her story and support her, and discovered a whole new website. I instantly started exploring the archives and enjoying a huge variety of fiction from various authors - many of them new to me. I was able to get one of my short stories featured on the site and after leaving it a while so as not to bombard or push my luck, I submitted again and was delighted to get a second piece accepted. I was over the moon when I later found out this piece was going to be featured in a book as well as on the website.

What do you most like about CafeLit?
The variety. The website publishes a story a day and doesn't stick to a very rigid, narrow genre or a small pool of authors. You can always find something good to read and are often exposed to a story you wouldn't normally try but end up being pleasantly surprised. The team are really easy to work with too - enthusiastic, professional and you know where you stand and what is expected. 

What else do you write?
I write quite a variety and have had a range published from a comedy non-fiction (a feature piece on my cat in Your Cat Magazine) to drabbles and apocalyptic science fiction. I am probably best known and most prolific in horror though - preferring supernatural and hauntings to gore. I do have a piece coming up in an anthology at the end of the year though with Night Terror Novels about a female serial killer - so it is not all supernatural.

Where can we find more of your work?
My most recent work, publishing history and news can be viewed at my website:  I am in a clown themed horror collection published with Schlock, 'Funny as a heart attack' as well as having my own stand-alone work published in 'The Dolls House/Prison Break' which was published by Demain Publishing as part of their Short Sharp Shock Series.

Tell us something surprising about you!  
My day job is working in children's publishing and arranging for children's authors, poets and illustrators to visit schools - a big genre change to my writing! I am terrible at cooking, love dancing and am learning Spanish.

Anything else you’d like to say?
Writing seems to have become more difficult recently, with some sites and publishers closing their doors and many more people turning to writing after the pandemic as they pursue their new hobby or even dream career. If you enjoy it, do it. If you want to be a professional don't be precious about your writing, rejection isn't personal and you can always pick up tips to improve or network with other writers to find out about the masses of opportunities out there. Buddying up with other writers has been a huge help to me - so find your people!

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