Now for an excerpt from Spooking
This is one of my favourite pieces. At a reading recently I actually sang part of this.
It was night-time. Tom could hear
gentle snoring. His eyes got used to the dark and he realised he was in a
student room. Kevin’s. Marcus was sitting up on top of the bookshelf, flicking
through some of the books.
heavy text books, lined up by the wall,” he sang. “And if one heavy text book,
should accidentally fall. -” He took
one of the books and threw it to the floor.
“- There'd
be nineteen heavy text books lined up by the wall.”
by one, Marcus tipped the books on to the floor. Then he wrenched the shelf
away from the wall, so that it looked as if the shelf had given way under the
weight of the books.
‘e’s a good sleeper,” said Marcus, “We’d better do summat about that.” He
floated over and took his mouth organ out of his pocket. He played a bell chime
over and over again, getting louder each time. “Wake up Kev-in. Kev-in wake
up,” he sang finally.
woke up startled. “Who’s there?” he called. “What’s that?” He snapped his
bedside light on. “Oh Christ,” he said, as he saw all the books on the floor.
not take the name of the Son of God in vain,” said Marcus in a very solemn
he hear you?” asked Tom.
about,” said Marcus. “Not loud and clear like you can. Quiet enough that he
might think he’s imagining it. ” He put his finger to his lips.
there somebody there?” asked Kevin, his voice a bit wobbly.
stretched his arms out in front of him and went “Oooh” Oooh!”
had to bite his fist to stop himself laughing.
he see you?” asked Tom.
might be able to. If he’s sensitive enough,” said Marcus. “But by the morning
or even as soon as we’ve gone, he’ll probably think he imagined it or dreamt
about the books, though?” asked Tom.
he’ll just use those as the explanation about what give him the nightmare.”
was looking a little less startled. He got out of bed and started straightening
up the books.
Ooh!” went Marcus again.
the Hell’s there? What do you want?” shouted Kevin.
shuddered. “Do not mention the name of the Bad Place in vain.” Hhe
spread his arms out in front of him again in classic ghost fashion.
cried Kevin. “What do you want?”
can see me all right,” said Marcus winking at Tom.
really had to bite his fingers hard now to stop himself laughing.
can’t be for real,” said Kevin with a sneer. “Who the Hell are you?”
not mention that dread place,” quivered Marcus.
couldn’t help tittering.
there? What do you want? What’s so funny?” cried Kevin. His face was white.
have told you,” droned Marcus. He blew Kevin a kiss.
shivered. “Yes, all right,” said Kevin, pulling his dressing-gown on. “Now
leave me alone.”
Kevin opened the door to his room, Marcus blew at a stack of papers on the
table. They too ended up on the floor. Then he slammed the door.
(I have taken a couple of spoilers out of this!)