Tuesday 31 March 2009

A Sense of Excitement as a New Deadline Looms

Being a writer is exciting. Being a publisher is even more exciting at times. Two submission deadlines have been reached today. I suppose I mean midnight today really, and is that Greenwich Mean Time or British Summer Time? But I feel this great curiosity to get looking. The deadline for horror stories is up as is the one for ghost stories. The one for Two Side to Every Story also looms ahead.
Will there be that story which takes your breath away? That is perfect and helps to define Bridge House?
We are making progress as a publishing company. We have a good web site now. We have professional sounding email addresses.
One person who has submitted seems impressed with the number of titles we are producing. All in the name of getting out there.
I actually can’t wait to get going on the new books.

1 comment:

Dulcinea Norton-Smith said...

I have visited your Bridge House website a few times over the past couple of weeks and it is really personal and professional.

Can't wait to read all of your new anthologies and I think it is great that you are putting your all into creating a small publishing house that really cares for it's writers and readers.
Good Luck