Monday, 23 March 2009

Publisher's Progress

Two of the partners of our newly formed publishing partnership, Bridge House Publishing, met up in a rather nice hotel in Chester on Saturday. We were there for three hours, therefore two coffees and lunch.
There was a lot to discuss, and it was a pity the third partner and our administrator could not be there because of illness.
I think all three of us are really clear on what the bottom line is. We want a quality product and we want a good return on our labours. The other two want to give up their day jobs to work full time on this. I don’t want to, as I already have a day job which fits in well with and acknowledges my writing. In many ways the editorial work I am doing for the “company” is part of my day job.
There were lot of other items to discuss as well – prices, discounts, whether to use an accountant, how often to pay ourselves, whether to join the Independent Publisher’s Guild, where the lines are between the administrator and the publicist, what we should do about a Christmas celebration, how many titles a year we should produce.
It was exciting and scary at the same time.
But I’m glad we’re doing it.

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