Saturday, 12 August 2023

The Best of CafeLit 12 contributor Sharon Zajdman is on my blog today



Why did you write the stories that are in this volume?


'How My Mum Came To Forgive Omar Sharif' is a story which bubbled out of an e-mail.  I wrote it in an hour and tossed it across the Atlantic, to Café Lit.  I was surprised by its warm reception but then, I have long been cautioned not to dismiss what come easily to me.

           ' Amazing' Grace is another matter.  It was written as an homage to a woman, as well as to her wonderfully kind husband, who inspired the writing of my breakthrough book (I Want You To Be Free).  Their emotional support sustained me during the darkest days of my life.   

             I discovered Café Lit after submitting short stories to Bridgehouse Publishing’s annual themed anthologies.  The first story I sent was accepted and, if memory serves, so were two or three more.  Mark Twain quipped, “I wrote a long story because I didn’t have time to write a short one.”  I believe he meant that one carves and chisels finely when working in miniature.  Still, I was intimidated by  the prospect of producing a full-length book.  It was the American novelist (the lady featured in Amazing Grace) who urged and encouraged me to make the attempt.  “If you can succeed in short form, you can succeed in long form.  Generate the material and then cut the cloth.” 


For those interested in learning more about my work; see the provided links.



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