Sunday, 11 January 2009

Ring-Fencing Writing Time

I’ve been rather bogged down over the last few days marking my students’ work. Most school teachers and a few other HE teachers would say my teaching load was light. I would probably agree. But the marking is a different story. Each script takes about one hour to mark and then there’s quite a lot of admin to do afterwards. In the middle of all this, various colleagues send emails with deadlines for reply. One even sends an email asking for information they’ve already had. We do have to keep repeating the same information, it seems.

So how does my writing fit into all of this? At the moment, it doesn’t. I haven’t written since the weekend, despite this being my most important work.

No worries, though, Today is my research day and everything else can wait. Write I shall.

There is a sense, also, that reading my students’ work contributes to my writing process. As I read and find their faults and triumphs, I learn more about the writing process, including my own work.

One of my publishers contacted me yesterday. Had I had the guidelines for submission? Could she check the submission dates?

Yes, I’d had the guidelines. The submission date remains the same. I’m on schedule. In fact, I’m actually a little ahead. Just as well. The day job is taking over a little at the moment.

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