Saturday, 22 April 2023

Chat with Nicole Fitton

 Today I talk to Nicole Fitton whose flash collection Soaring we have published recently. 



What do you write? Why this in particular? 

 I write books and short stories in genres that I enjoy reading. I’ve always been a fan of contemporary, historical, and short story fiction so it was an easy progression to write within these genres.


h What got you started on writing in the first place?

I think writing is a part of my DNA. Some of my fondest memories are from primary school where we had to create and design magazines and newspapers, I was always encouraged and supported by my teachers and I will be forever grateful to them for the confidence they gave me to write from such an early age.


Do you have a particular routine? 

I write mainly at the weekend and in the early mornings – that’s about as ‘routine’ as it gets. I have a day job so it’s difficult for me to work at other times.


 Do you have a dedicated working space?

Yes, I do. Covid threw a spanner in the works when I had to use my creative space for my day job. The feel of my home office changed and I found it really difficult to concentrate on my writing when I was surrounded by work stuff. Last year somebody locally was selling a Shepherds Hut. The stars aligned and after a lick of paint and a bit of a refurb the hut now sits proudly in my garden. I’ve named it The Story Room because that’s exactly what it is. It’s a very special place and I know I’m incredibly lucky to have it.



How supportive are your friends and family? Do they understand what you're doing?

My family and family are extremely supportive, although unlike me, most of them are not avid readers. So, whilst they are incredibly encouraging, and nod in all the right places I’m really not sure they have a scooby about it all.

 What are you most proud of in your writing?

I’m most proud of the connection that readers have with my work, it really is beyond words when readers tell me how much they’ve enjoyed my work. It’s always an absolute delight hearing from readers and my heart swells.


Which writers have inspired you?

Too many to mention but Margaret Atwood, Maya Angelou and JoJo Moyes would be right at the top.

Then about Soaring. Tell me about this book.


Soaring is a collection of short stories that I’ve written over the last five or six years. The stories are all wildly different in terms of length and style yet the red thread holding them all together is a central theme of hope. This was not a conscious decision and was a pleasant surprise when I was deciding which stories to include in this collection. Soaring contains short tales which can be read in one sitting. The book was designed so readers can easily dip in and out depending on how much time they have. A quick bus ride read or twenty minutes over a coffee – there really is something for everyone. A lot of the stories within Soaring have either been awarded or short listed in various short story competitions and it’s been wonderful to be able to include the

What inspired you to write this?

All of the stories within Soaring started life as a nugget of curiosity. From newspaper articles to overheard conversations my curiosity would turn into ‘what ifs?’ Then my imagination would take over and the writing would begin. Most of the stories within Soaring were written in one sitting.

 What's next?

I’m currently working on a sequel to my second novel Forbidden Colours. I have the beginning and middle scoped out, but so far the ending hasn’t yet revealed itself – it’s all very exciting and one of the reasons I love writing so much.

How can we get a copy of the book?

Soaring is available from all good high street book shops or online via The Bridgetown Café Bookstore  or Amazon 

Do you have any events planned?

I’m planning a Soaring book launch in May here in Devon; it’s quite a scary prospect and I’m already over analysing it!



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