Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Bryony Bennett

 I'm delighted to welcome Bryony Bennett to my blog today. Here she tells us abut her writing life.

1.      What do you write? Why this in particular?

I tend to write short pieces, under 500 words in length. The pieces might be autobiographical, devotional, flash fiction or occasionally poetry. Due to medication side effects my concentration isn’t great. For this reason I gravitate towards pieces that are short and sweet. Very recently I have begun writing flash fiction on Twitter, under 280 characters per story. As a writing prompt for my flash fiction on Twitter, I use story cubes. These are dice with a different picture on each side. You must conjure up a story inspired by the pictures you roll. An example of my Twitter flash fiction is below:




2.      What got you started on writing in the first place?

I have enjoyed writing ever since I was little. I enjoyed making up stories, writing poems and generally exploring my imagination and expressing my creativity.


 My love of writing and reading led me to take my first degree in English. I admired the way the authors I studied communicated to their readers, by use of myriad literary devices. I hope in some small way to emulate them.


3.      Do you have a particular routine?

I’m working on this one! I can be rather sporadic in the way I write. Inspiration can strike at any time, for example, a particularly vivid dream might prompt me to write a story first thing in the morning before the dream fades. With my Twitter flash fiction, I tweet one story a week. I might compose more than one a week however, then hold them back for future use.


4.      Do you have a dedicated working space?

I will work on my laptop at the dining table if I’m at home, or if I’m out I’ll happily sit for an hour in a coffee shop or pub and write on my phone. I live in a slightly cluttered one bedroom flat with my boyfriend. I look forward to a time when we move into a bigger place and I can have my own office.