Monday, 22 March 2010

My Writing Time

I do love my “research” days. These are days when I can get on with my own writing relatively undisturbed. I achieved quite a lot last Friday:
I completed my edit / third proof read of a teaching guide. I finished a short story I hope will fit in with our Demons, Werewolves and Vampires collection, and I did considerable work on my poetry Young Adult novel. I feel comfortable with the latter again now. The even better news is that I now have next week free for the final proof read of Babel.
These are glorious days when I can really feel that I am getting somewhere with my writing. Working days are somewhat different. I feel I have to get my work for my employer out of the way first. Once that is done, I then find it difficult to concentrate on the writing – my mind is still buzzing with ideas and concerns. It really takes lot of effort – especially if I am passing on to a new subject or revisiting one I haven’t touched for a while.
Today I’ll be working on a proposal for a non-fiction book. Not such inspiring stuff in some ways, but you can still get absorbed. Eventually.
And some time soon I’ll have the proof back again of that book I mentioned in my previous blog. It’s all go, the writing life.

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