Monday 17 October 2022

Allison Symes talks today about her experince of writing for CafeLit


How did you come to write for CafeLit?

I can’t honestly remember the details but I do know another writer told me about CafeLit. It is possible it was Gill James herself whom I met at the Isle of Wight Writers’ Weekend many moons ago. Am I glad to have found CafeLit? Oh yes!


What do you most like about CafeLit?

I like the range of stories here in terms of word count and style. I like the way it is encouraging to writers of all backgrounds and that it gives writers a voice, a chance to have their stories “out there”. I also like the mix between longer stories and flash fiction. Both forms are well worth celebrating!


What else do you write?



I write flash fiction. I have two collections out with Chapeltown Books - From Light to Dark and Back Again and Tripping the Flash Fantastic.

I also blog weekly for online magazine, Chandler’s Ford Today, I am also the flash fiction editor (and write a monthly column) for US based online magazine, Mom’s Favorite Reads.

I blog monthly for More than Writers, the blog spot of the Association of Christian Writers, and for Authors Electric. I also write standard length short stories (1500 to 2000 words).    


Where can we find more of your work?

You can also find out more about my work at my website - - and via my Amazon Author Central page at

I share what I write where twice weekly on the blog page of my website so my links to Chandler’s Ford Today, Mom’s Favorite Reads etc can all be found on there. I like to think of my twice weekly round up as a “one stop shop” for my regular followers. And I would always welcome new followers to my website!

I also share a monthly author newsletter. Again you can sign up to that on the landing page of my website.

I share flash fiction videos on my YouTube channel too at - subscribers always welcome. I share stories here on a Monday usually. I see it as a positive start to the week!

About to run a workshop on flash fiction

Always a joy to sign books for readers


Tell us something surprising about you! 

I’ve never flown! It’s not been a case of deliberately avoiding it either. It is just that I’ve used ferries and coaches to travel in Europe and the rest of the time I’ve been at home in the UK! I have ridden a horse and been on a hovercraft though (definitely not at the same time, mind you!).


Anything else you’d like to say?

Writing is a great joy but I’ve learned over time you have to develop stamina to cope with the ups and downs of the writing life. Having supportive writing friends helps enormously. It pays to persist but it is also fine to change writing direction. My doing that led me into flash fiction and publication. Oh and it is lovely seeing writing friends having stories on CafeLit too.

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