Monday, 6 February 2023

Malina Douglas talks to us about being published in Evergreen


 How did you hear about our competition?

Through an online search for calls for submissions.
What inspired you about the theme?
I like that Evergreens symbolise something that endures, a beacon of green against the white of the snow. It reminds us that we will get through our struggles, and despite everything, we can go on.  
My story in this anthology, A Tear in the Cloud, contains that evergreen hope. 
How did you get to write short stories?
In childhood I created stories in my imagination and drew them. In the first year of school I started to write them down, and filled four notebooks that I bound together. At around eight I started creating miniature books with the intention of making my own library. The smallest one was half the size of my thumb!
In no more than three sentences can you summarise what made you become a writer?
I grew up nourished by stories, especially Greek and Norse mythology. Ever since I started writing down my own stories, I knew I wanted to be a writer. 
What else are you working on?    
I've just completed a manuscript of historical fiction and submitted it to publishers.
I also just finished compiling and editing an anthology of short stories called Winter Enchantment, coming out on the 13th of February! An anthology to transport the reader to winter wonderlands ranging from Japan to Finland to Iceland and encounters and elusive beings, goddesses and ghosts, with stories from fifteen different authors.
With these projects complete, I've returned to writing short stories and flash fiction for a novella-in-flash in progress. 

Find updates and author interviews on Malina's website:

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