Saturday, 25 February 2023

Janet Howson talks to us about A Cue for Murder


A Cue for Murder follows on from Dramatic Episodes as it is dealing with the same drama group with the same characters. This time they are rehearsing for A Murder Mystery Evening to be put on at one of the member's golf club. Again there is a chapter for each of the characters relating the events in their lives and how this impacts on the rehearsals for the play.

Having each episode published on CafeLit encouraged me to keep on writing until I had told each individual story.

My role as a drama teacher helped me with my writing but my involvement with amateur drama groups for many many years was really my greatest insight into being able to confidently write the novellos. This gave me knowledge of the group dynamics, the things that can go wrong, the rehearsal schedule and the camaraderie I had personally experienced.

At the moment I am writing short stories for competitions. I will hopefully have these eventually published on CafeLit.

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