Friday, 3 February 2023

Liz Cox and Evergreen


I originally heard about the competition through my writing group Bangor Cellar Writing Group. From then on I was familiar with the competition and looked out for it each year on your website

I think I was inspired by the possibility of the longevity implied in the word Evergreen. It is also something which is fresh and new and also continuing. 

 I took an English Literature with Creative Writing degree at Bangor University in 2000 and then subsequently the Diploma in Creative Writing with the Dept for Life Long Learning (now defunct) at Bangor University. I like the medium of short stories, trying to encapsulate one moment in time into a credible story. This evolved from a Local Authority afternoon class. I had always been interested in writing and these leisure classes rekindled my interest.

I wanted to be a writer because it takes me away from everyday things. I can get lost in my words and visit new worlds. I felt I had something to say and wanted to communicate that.

I continue to work on my poetry and I have a novel completed but ready for more drafts. I have another couple of novels in the pipeline which I am working on and  short stories in various stages of completion. I am considering various competition entries.

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