Monday 20 February 2023

Hobbies for Writers


So, if you’re living the dream, do you even bother about hobbies? I think you do. Because you have to get some perspective.  If as a writer you’re holed up in your garret all of the time, what will you have to write about?

Activities I enjoy – arguably writing related

  • Browsing book shops
  • Attending book events
  • Going  to the theatre
  • Reading
  • Watching TV  (absorbing story another way)
  • Society of Authors events
  • SCBWI events

Activities that get me out of the house and amongst people

  • U3A groups – languages, curry and beer, the odd special event
  • Theatre club (which also relates to writing)

Keeping body and soul together

·         Cooking and baking from scratch

·         Exercise – whether at home, at the gym or in the swimming pool

·         Gardening

Singing in a choir

This is probably the big one for me. It is so different form writing. You are with people, instead of being alone. You work with people instead of trying to be completely different from others. It gives you a great feeling of belonging. It is good exercise and you certainly learn to breathe well.  There is something quite magical about feeling the music flow through your body.  That certainly lifts your mood.

I’ve been a choir member now since October 2007. I had to have a few weeks off last year when I had a major operation. We managed to keep going through lock down with the help of Zoom.

And I sing tenor. In other scenarios I’ve been an alto or even a soprano. I’m delighted with tenor. It suits my voice and we have some nice parts.

So yes, writers can have hobbies and they are important.   

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