Monday, 16 November 2009

NAWE Conference at Chillworth Manor, 13-15 November

NAWE seems to be going from strength to strength. Paul Munden, NAWE’s director, gave a very entertaining and informative presentation about the current state of play. One of the greatest delights is that that corporate and professional members have public liability insurance included into their annual fee. And we’re covered up to £10,000,000. It used to cost me £85.00 a year to get cover up to £2,000,000.
But of course, that is not all. The conference was bigger than ever this year. We started on Friday afternoon, finished on Sunday morning, and there were five strands. There have been four before and when I first joined, it was usually a day conference in London.
There was a lot of choices, though inevitably there were times that you wanted to go to two or even three session at once, and other times when you had less interesting choices. I went to a mixture of the Higher Education sessions, one or two of the writers in schools session and a few of the less sector dominated ones. One or two resulted in some healthy arguments.
As usual, at such events the networking opportunities provided and the chances offered to catch up with old friends is of great value. Chillworth Manor provided a very comfortable and incredibly beautiful setting for such activities.
I came back really inspired and very relaxed.

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