Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Working with Publishers or Going it Alone

There was a lot of talk at a recent Society of Authors event of how self-publishing and print-on-demand is gaining respectability. If you self-publish, using print on demand, you can have control. You can offer respectable discounts. You can feature in bestseller lists. You never go out of print. You can appear on that evener of playing field, Amazon.
However, do people actually buy print-on-demand titles other than from people they know or if they are in a very specialised area?
On the other hand, what do you do when your publisher never answers the phone, delays and delays your publication date and seems to have done very little marketing? Take the control back yourself?
There has also been great excitement recently about the Expresso machine where you put a computer programme in one end of the machine and the book comes out of the other. We really do need to think of a new way of publishing.

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