Thursday, 11 July 2024

Eamon O'Leary talks to us about his involvement with The Best of CafeLit


How did you first get to know CafeLit? 
To be honest, I can’t remember who told me about CafeLit, but probably from one of my writing groups.
What do you like about it? 
I like the way CafeLit promptly lets the writer know if they’ve been accepted for publication.
Tell us a little about the stories you have in the volume.
My two stories or vignettes in this edition are personal memories and I became emotional seeing them in print. Family is everything to me. 
Why did you pick those particular drinks? 
I’m a tea drinker and like it strong although I enjoy an occasional cappuccino. 

Do you have a favourite “Creative Cafe”? 
My favourite cafe is the Farmgate in the famous English Market in Cork city
Do you write in cafes?  
I don’t write in cafes but the seeds of many of my stories have germinated whilst sitting and letting my thoughts run wild.
What are you working on now? 
At present, I’m looking for ideas for my slot on RTE Radio1 ( Ireland’s National Broadcaster) and working on promoting my first book, I’m a Big Boy Now, which will be released shortly by Bridge House Publishing.
Do you have any writing news?
I can’t wait to actually hold a copy of my book. At 72 yrs of age, I’m sure readers will understand and appreciate what a momentous occasion it will be for me and my family to have a book in the shops.

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