Monday, 9 April 2012

Invite to the live launch of Spooking

A Special Invitation

Please come to my launch of Spooking, a paranormal romance for young adults, published by Crooked Cat.  
As well as launching all day on Friday 13 April - yes Friday 13 - my lucky day  - via Facebook, I'll be live online on Friday between 4.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m British summer time and I’ll be circling through the many rooms of the launch site - this blog site, Facebook, my personal email, my Salford University email and my Twitter account.(@gilljames) 
Do come and join the fun.    
There will be cupcakes, champagne and a tiny excerpt from the book. You may get to meet a few new people too.          

1 comment:

Teri Terry said...

I'll do anything for a cupcake :O)