Sunday, 9 October 2022

The Beginners Guide to Calling Yourself a Writer


Hand, Write, Pen, Notebook, Journal

1.     Actually write. Don’t just think about it.

2.     Get over the idea that to call yourself a writer you need to be a published writer; if you write you are a writer.

3.     Make sure other people take you seriously. If you study door is shut it means you’re busy and shouldn’t be disturbed.  Don’t have a study? Then lap-top open or pen in hand and note-book open also mean you’re busy and shouldn’t be disturbed. Use your lap-top for other activities where you don’t mind a disturbance? Then invent a signal that means you mustn’t be disturbed. Wear a red scarf, put a grumpy teddy on the table or have your ‘I Am a Writer’ mug to hand

4.     Get yourself an ‘I Am a Writer’ mug made.

5.     If the day job is still 100% necessary use the word ‘and’.  ‘I am a mum and a writer.’ ‘I am a soldier and a writer.’ ‘I am a dentist and a writer.’ Occasionally put it the other way round: ‘I am a writer and a dad.’ ‘I am a writer and a PA.’  

6.     Read, read, read but read like a writer. If this book is good, what makes it good?

7.     Learn to love pens and notebooks – but try to stop people giving them as gifts – you’ll get too many and they probably won’t be quite the right sort.

8.     Find your tribe- find other writers and see yourself and assert yourself as one of them.

9.     Go to other writers’ events – as a peer.

10.  Learn from others, prepare to share what you know but in the end make your own mind up about everything.

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