Thursday, 26 November 2020

Chatting to Mason Bushell, another contributor to The Best of CafeLit 9



What made you decide to write for CafeLit?

I’d been chatting to a lady in a Facebook group. She recommended I submit stories to CafeLit. So, I checked out the website, loved some of the stories there and decided to submit some of my own.


How did you pick the drink to go with your story?

 As a former bartender I do love a good drink. I would look at the content of my story and try to find drink that would suit the theme and feel of the tale


Flash or short story. Why this form for your contribution / s  this time?

My contributions tend to be short stories as I find it hard to keep them a flash fiction length and still make a rounded story. I’m afraid I love too many details!


What makes a good story for CafeLit?

 I think a good CaféLit story would be one that appeals to a wide audience. I feel it should be a story with a good message. It should inspire other righties to pick up their pens too.


What’s your latest writing news? And here you may provide a picture and or link to your latest book. Feel free as well to provide an image anyway. 

 Just now I’m eagerly awaiting the release date for my Jinn series to be published with yourselves. I’m promoting my Christmas novella Merry Mishap as well. Here are the links to Merry Mishap as well.

 A Merry Mishap

Note from editor: Mason's Jinn book is on Amazon and we are awaiting the print proof copy.   

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