I work with story theory a lot. I’m a planner
and I establish the spine of the story before I start writing. I instil ideas about
how stories work in my students on two of the modules I teach – Intro to Children’s Literature and Writing Novels for Young Adults. I also
use it as an editing tool. If a story
isn’t working what’s missing? What isn’t strong enough?
Many writers say that their stories come from
the conflicts between characters. This is where I start anyway. I establish
four basic characters: the hero, the friend, the mentor and the enemy. Only the
hero has to be a sentient being. The enemy, for example, could be a set of
circumstances. The mentor might be a computer programme. I put these elements
together and see what happens. I can then get the two line description of my
story: Cinders’ life is transformed when she meets the prince, they fall in
love and he marries her.
I then flesh it out, along the lines of
Robert McKee’s Story:
3 or
more incidents
climax (this is the gap between the crisis and the resolution)
I recommend reading the whole book and then
going back and reading Chapter 14.
I’m also quite keen on three other story
theories – those of Joseph Campbell, Vladimir Propp and Christopher Vogler.
Vogler has in effect adapted Campbell’s ideas for the film industry. Vogler
says that it works better if it is slightly skewed.
Andrew Melrose brings us the idea of plot
pyramids and tells us of the relationship between plot and sub-plot. I’ve refined that even more and suggested that
sub-plots are not separate plots but part of the main plot. All plots resolve
at the same moment. Melrose talks of an
“Aha moment”. The prince tries the shoe
on Cinders’ foot. Will it fit?
Christopher Booker tells us that there are only
seven stories:
- Overcoming the Monster
- Rags to Riches
- The Quest
- Voyage and Return
- Comedy
- Tragedy
- Rebirth
I find it useful to decide which mine is and
look at that particular shape. Do I have it there? Booker also offers us an
overarching shape:
- Initial phase
- Opening out
- Severe – constriction
- Dark power dominant
- Reversal and liberation
that this is in fact very similar to McKee’s story theory and to what I call
the Canpbell, Propp, Vogler amalgamated theory)
Then we have more from the film industry:
- The three act structure
- Beat sheets
Even “pansters” – those who don’t plan in
advance – might find all this useful as an editing tool.
I recently attend a SCBWI NW meeting and we
worked with Vogler’s theory. Even though I’ve worked with this material for
years, I had a few new ideas.
I’ve frequently noticed as an editor and as an
academic who marks hundreds of scripts that stories often fail between the
crisis point and resolution. We sometimes get melodrama, a damp squib or a deus
ex machina.
Suddenly, though, the other week I saw it. The
Ordeal in Vogler’s theory is our crisis point. He then gives us several extra
steps to take before the story resolves. And didn’t I then go and see all of
this in the BBC’s production of The Worst
My Intro
to Children’s Literature students will be submitting their second
assignment soon. They’ll either be producing a story or analysing one
critically. Later today I’ll be working on a spread sheet for them that aligns
all of these theories. I’ll also make to available to my followers here. Watch
this space.
Meanwhile, recommended reading:
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