Wednesday, 16 September 2009

A New University Year Apporaches

It’s that time of year again. We have Induction Week next week. All the new students come along. We have all sorts of different contexts in which we meet – once over bacon butties and once more formally. And in preparation for that we have all sorts of meetings and panics before that happens. We’ve been in meetings from 10.00 until 2.00 today, though admittedly the last hour was informal and over lunch.
We have a new GTA this year. She is doing a Ph D and will be teaching on a couple of modules I’m convening this year. It’s so good to have fresh blood. One of my meetings was with her, so quite pleasurable.
In many ways, though, it will be a relief to teach. While you’re teaching, you can’t be doing anything else.
And with my new module, Introduction to Children’s Literature, there is something to look forward to.

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